About Us

Welcome to Sprout Gurus About Us Page! We’re a young family with almost 50 years of Gardening Experience between us. In our garden, we’re all about Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Herbs, Family, Friends & Good Times! Our harsh Canadian winters and shorter growing seasons can be quite challenging. We’re hoping to share some of our expertise with you about Starting, Growing & Managing your Garden. 


We ended up spending the first few years of our journey together in the harsh, cold, and windy city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Having only a small yard but still did our best with our landscaping and flower beds considering our space restraints. We experimented with container gardening on our deck and front step and building a makeshift organic garden in our front yard. Quickly realizing that city life wasn’t for us, we decided to make a few changes!


We decided to move to a smaller community in a more remote part of the country. We settled in a small town in the Rainy River District and bought a small house. Almost immediately, we ordered a large truckload of topsoil and went to work building our new garden! Since that event, our garden has grown to over double the size. 

My partner has a degree in Agriculture from the University of Manitoba, specializing in Plant Bio-Technology and having no formal education in Gardening or Horticulture myself. My experience has been hands-on assisting my Grandmother with her award-winning yard! Together we make up a great team of Brains and Brawn!


The time has come to start sharing our knowledge and experience with our children with the hope they acquire the same Skills, Knowledge & Love of Gardening as us. So join us and let us inspire you to Design, Create & Execute the process of creating your own Special Space as we have. Thank You for taking the time to read About Us!

Education, Tutorials, Planning & More…
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